
Friday, June 24, 2011

Simple Weightloss Tip - Drink Lots of Water

One very simple weightloss tip is to drink lots of water. In the summertime, drinking lots of water when you work out is especially important. If you have trouble getting the recommended eight glasses of water daily, here's an easy tip-try and infusion pitcher.

Infusion pitchers let you add fruit like lemons, limes, berries or anything you'd like to give your water a flavorful lift without adding calories or sugar, something you definitely don't need too much of.

You can also use these handy pitchers to add fruit to iced tea or other drinks too.

Did you know that drinking too little water can actually make your body retain water? The benefits of drinking lots of water includes keeping toxins flushed from your cells so you'll be healthier overall, plus you'll have beautiful, clear skin and more energy for exercising.

If you don't want to overeat, drink a tall glass of water before your meal to help fill you up.

1 comment:

  1. Great advice! I have one of these infusion pitchers and it helps me to keep drinking water it's so delicious.
